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Rawalpindi Tourism


Rawalpindi is a richly vibrant city which would impresses you with its life force and warmth. If Islamabad represents the progressive face of Pakistan, Rawalpindi is represents the quaint classical charm of medieval Pakistan. There is no dearth of popular tourist attractions in Rawalpindi. If you are contemplating a tour of cities of Pakistan then Rawalpindi would make a perfect tourist site for you to visit. Rawalpindi is famous for its charming colonial buildings and boulevards, it rich cultural mosaic and its colorful bazaar which are always teeming with people and form quite popular tourists attractions of Rawalpindi. In fact, tourism in Rawalpindi is pretty developed. Rawalpindi tourism forms one of the bases of its economy. You can find out details about Rawalpindi tourism by glancing through various Islamabad/ Rawalpindi tour guide.

Rawalpindi Tourism has flourish in recent years with more and more foreign tourist opting to visit this Pakistani city with a rich cultural heritage. Rawalpindi tourism is also boosted by the fact that there are quite a few good hotels in Rawalpindi. Starting from luxurious five star hotels to budget hotels and guest houses, Rawalpindi has it all. You can visit Rawalpindi on a modest budget too. Depending on your budget and taste you can put up in an appropriate accommodation in Rawalpindi. Rawalpindi Tourism Department is also ever eager to help you out with authentic and relevant information about touring Rawalpindi.

The fact that there is no paucity of popular tourist attraction in Rawalpindi has also augmented Rawalpindi tourism. Liaquat Bagh is one the most famous tourist attractions in Rawalpindi. Liaquat Bagh or Liaquat Garden is a charming picnic spot which lures tourists with its green verdure. If you are looking for a great shopping experience in Rawalpindi then you need not be crestfallen. The Bara Market is a popular tourist attractions If you are still not satisfied then you can loiter down the Thandi Sarak of the Mall as it is popularly known and you will get the true feel of the pulsating life of the city of Rawalpindi. If you are an archeology aficionado then you would enjoy a trip to the Archaeological sites of Gir and Jaulian near Rawalpindi. Over all Rawalpindi tourism is a virtual treasure trove which has a lot to offer.

There are some other tourist spots of great scenic beauty in Rawalpindi and do drop into these place if you are on a tour to Rawalpindi. The picturesque Muree and Nathiagali are ideal places to escape the sweltering heat of the summer. Search for more information on tourisms in Rawalpindi from the different Rawalpindi travel guides.


Source by Faisal Ur Rehman

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