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Stress Relief For People on the Move


Stress management has become a necessary additional task to consider in our busy lives. Stress relief is the third option to deal with stress and is only ever a short-term solution. To really successfully manage your stress levels you need to also work on reducing the requirements (expectations, demands, objectives, things to do etc) or increasing the resources (available time, options, possibilities, personal abilities, belief etc).

So what can you do in the moment to relieve some of stress if the other two options are not accessible?

1. Take time out: Schedule time out. Just like an athlete who trains for the Olympics they have scheduled down-time. Managing energy is about managing your time efficiently and giving yourself rest and relaxation time. Make sure you plan days off and holidays, don’t just let them happen when you have time.

2. Refuse to work on planes: Put your phone off, leave your laptop in the bag and start reading a novel, listening to soothing and relaxing music or watch a funny program on the in-flight video. We often get seduced to ‘just get this thing done’ where we would have the chance to stop and regenerate our energy.

3. Listen to music: If you travel by car, bus or plane you have got the time to listen to some soothing, calming music. Music therapy does not need anyone else but you, your commitment and a bit of organization in terms of getting the music onto an MP3 player, your phone or laptop. If you are travelling by plane get yourself a nice noise cancelling set of ear phones which help you relax even more and make your journey more enjoyable.

4. Walk consciously: If you have to walk from client to client, for example, make your walking part of your exercise routine. Remember to focus on your breath, breathe by inhaling deeply and exhaling fully, imagine leaving your worries behind and look upwards, rather than down. This has been found to be highly effective in dispelling depressive moods. If you can, choose a route through a park or nature of any sort, which helps you relax even more.

5. Set boundaries: Saying no, as simple as it sounds, ensures balance between the meaning of what you are doing and your intention. It helps you reduce overwhelm and you will spend less time thinking about something you do not want to do.

In simple terms: Even people on the move need to learn to stop or they will walk straight into the third stage of stress, which is exhaustion. Remember to take a break every 90 – 120 minutes of activity to ensure you keep your energy levels high and effective.


Source by Nathalie Himmelrich

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